

What my clients say about their experience with me

“A client talking about their experience with you is worth ten times that what you write or say about yourself.”

Fiona and Paul Client

"We have worked with Lara for the last 3 years and even now she is in Luxembourg and we are in the UK the zoom sessions work so well. What do we love about Lara? Her adaptability. Her unparalleled understanding of the human body means she can adapt any session according to our needs … and our aches and pains! And she also has the flexibility of mind to do so - so many PTs just plough on with a pre planned session regardless of client condition on the day. Lara got my husband through intense marathon training injury free because he was stretching with Lara every week. For me, she’s got me back into shape after two very tough pregnancies and more recently just keeps my body functioning from week to week."

Marie Client

"I have trained with Lara for the past 6 years, two to three times a week in person and remotely. She is absolutely fantastic. Lara adapts to your environment (she has trained me remotely in small hotel rooms, with no equipment), she adapts to how you are feeling (flow workouts post late night in the office) and to any injuries or aches you may have, she adapts to your goals (losing weight, toning, flexibility etc.). Our 45-minute sessions go so quickly and I always feel energised afterwards. Each exercise is new – there is no repetition with Lara. I never get bored. For the last 2 years, I have also joined her Pilates group class, which I enjoy enormously. Lara is also there to provide support on nutrition advice to kick in healthy habits. Thanks to her, I have become a porridge addict! She is such a kind, positive and enthusiastic person to train with. The physical and mental health benefits I derive from my sessions with Lara are considerable."

Veronica Client

"Since my menopause I slowly but surely gained 4 unshakeable kilos that made me feel constantly frustrated and uncomfortable. Working with Lara completely changed my shape. Within a month, I stabilised my weight to the level I was when I was 18! A year later I am about to enjoy another summer where I feel healthy, confident and I can wear what I want. Thank you Lara!"

Francesca Client

"I had been slightly overweight since about fifteen years old and had spent over three decades jumping from one diet to another but I could never keep the weight off for long, though. Maternity then was a big adjustment for me. I put over 20 kg after my 2 pregnancies and started to have health issues. My back was hurting all the time and so my knees. I was only in my forties and felt like 90! I realised that I had to do something to get and feel better but did not know where to start, until I met Lara. We had a long conversation why I let myself go into bad habits and learned new concepts like nutrition and gym routines. Lara not only became my personal trainer and nutritional coach but most of all my friend. She really cared about my health and wellbeing and I trusted her completely. She guided me through the necessary steps in order to lose weight and live a healthier life. This was not without sacrifices but I was up for the challenge. She taught me key concepts like eating healthier with a weekly 80%-20% balance and setting a daily physical activities routine. Lara made me realise it was not about weightloss-project anymore. It was about changing my inner-dialogue, and how I saw myself. I started to identify myself with that active and healthier person I wanted to be, and everything started to feel easier and more natural. She helped me become a better version of myself and I am very proud of the work we did together. At my heaviest, I weighed 82kg then I reached 65kg in less than a year. I lost the weight naturally (no surgery, pills, disordered eating, or anything along those lines) and have kept the weight off for 7 years and counting."

Ezio Client

"I contacted Lara for health reasons. I had a heart problem. So I had to deal with my diet to control the tryglicerids and cholesterol. Lara was extremely efficient. She changed my diet and in 3 months everything went all back to normal. As a consequences of that I lost 10kg, which was good as well. She asked about my currently diet and about my food preferences and prepared a list of breakfast and lunch/dinner. About a different one per day for a month rolling. Food was measured but enough not to feel hungry. Though for the first 2 weeks it was tough but it was easier to adapt since. I felt more energetic and results were a stimulus. She kept me, and still doing it, under control on a weekly check, not an invasive one but mentally important. I keep going with the same diet, more or less (Well.. I take my pleasure to be fair) for 1y now and the health values are stable. Bottom line: Lara changed my style of life in a healthy way with little effort for me with an important physical but as well mental impact."

Paola Client

"From Italy to England and then to Luxembourg my nutritional journey with Lara has been a success…. -22 Kg. Despite the distance, the advice, the constant attention and the support from different nutritional plans, lots of physical activity but above of all a lot of willpower and constant effort made me achieve an optimal physical shape and mental health but also a very effective “Nutrition Education” that will accompany me in the years to come. THANKS LARA"

Liz Client

"Lara is fantastic! I have been working out with her for many years. She is instrumental in helping me maintain a great weight, shape and fitness level on a long term basis but is also excellent at tailoring her advice and workouts for key events such as weddings, holidays and post-baby weight loss. I can’t recommend her highly enough."

Barbara Client

"Lara is a fantastic personal trainer! She takes the time with each client and for every session, to create a bespoke training programme, unique to you, and your individual needs. Each session is different and you will never be bored of squats and lunges because Lara creatively finds a way to make them interesting and varied each time! I’m sure it is her background as a professional dancer that gives her the edge over other trainers. Her commitment and expertise, along with nutritional advice and dietary plans, are reflected in the results her clients obtain over the course of weeks and months. When I started training with Lara, I saw a massive transformation within 4-6 months, with increased muscle tone and a lot less body fat! After I fell pregnant, Lara guided me through my pregnancy, maintaining strength and stretch in my muscle and shifting the focus to core strength and gentler exercises appropriate for pregnancy. Post delivery, Lara gradually reintroduced the exercises needed to help me trim and tone and improve my cardiovascular fitness. She is also such a lovely person to spend an hour of your day with!"

Fiona and Paul Client

"Lara got my husband through intense marathon training injury free because he was stretching with Lata every week."

Marie Client

Lara adapts to your environment (she has trained me remotely in a small room with no equipment) she adapts to how you are feeling (flow workouts post late night in the office) and to any injuries or aches you may have. She adapts to your goals(losing weight,toning,flexibility etc).

Veronica Client

"Working with Lara completely changed my shape."

Francesca Client

"Lara not only became my personal trainer and nutritional coach but most of all my friends. She really cared about my health and well-being and I trusted her completely."

Ezio Client

I contacted Lara for health reasons. I had a heart problem. So I had to deal with my diet to control the triglyceride and cholesterol. Lara was extremely efficient.

Paola Client

From Italy to England and then to Luxembourg my nutritional journey with Lara has been a success…. -22 Kg. Despite the distance, the advice, the constant attention and the support from different nutritional plans, lots of physical activity but above of all a lot of willpower and constant effort made me achieve an optimal physical shape and mental health but also a very effective “Nutrition Education” that will accompany me in the years to come. THANKS LARA

Liz Client

Lara is fantastic! I have been working out with her for many years. She is instrumental in helping me maintain a great weight, shape and fitness level on a long term basis but is also excellent at tailoring her advice and workouts for key events such as weddings, holidays and post-baby weight loss. I can’t recommend her highly enough.

Barbara Client

Lara is a fantastic personal trainer! She takes the time with each client and for every session, to create a bespoke training programme, unique to you, and your individual needs. Each session is different and you will never be bored of squats and lunges because Lara creatively finds a way to make them interesting and varied each time! I’m sure it is her background as a professional dancer that gives her the edge over other trainers. Her commitment and expertise, along with nutritional advice and dietary plans, are reflected in the results her clients obtain over the course of weeks and months. When I started training with Lara, I saw a massive transformation within 4-6 months, with increased muscle tone and a lot less body fat! After I fell pregnant, Lara guided me through my pregnancy, maintaining strength and stretch in my muscle and shifting the focus to core strength and gentler exercises appropriate for pregnancy. Post delivery, Lara gradually reintroduced the exercises needed to help me trim and tone and improve my cardiovascular fitness. She is also such a lovely person to spend an hour of your day with!